Interventional Pain Management

Interventional Pain Medicine Clinic

Chronic pain affects every aspect of a person's life. When conventional medical treatment such as medications or physical therapy does not reduce your pain, your primary care physician may refer you to the Orthopaedic Center of Southern Illinois (OCSI).

Dr. Anthony Guarino is a Pain Management physician that specializes in non-operative spine care and will provide diagnosis and management of pain problems on an out-patient basis.

Types of Treatments:

  • Nerve Blocks (epidural steroid injections, steroid injections, facet injections, sacroiliac joint injections)
  • Radiofrequency Neuroplasty

What is a Nerve Block?

A nerve block is the injection of a local anesthetic. The anesthetic may be placed near very small nerves or close to the spinal nerve roots, depending on the cause of your pain. Local anesthetics may be used in addition to anti-inflammatory drugs (steroids) for specific conditions.

Since you may experience temporary numbness, for your safety, these injections will only be performed if you have a responsible adult to drive you home.

Pain Categories

Radicular Pain:

This pain originates from the spine and radiates to the arms and legs. Radicular pain is caused by bulging or herniated discs that put pressure on the nerve roots causing inflammation and pain. Radicular pain can include "sciatica."


  • Nerve Blocks
  • Medications

Sympathetically Maintained Pain:

Persistent burning pain, hair, skin and nail changes, and unusual sweatiness may all be symptoms of an abnormal sympathetic nervous system. Causalgia, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) are other names for this syndrome.


  • Sympathetic Nerve Blocks
  • Physical Therapy
  • Medications

Post-Herpetic Nerve Pain (After Shingles):

Post-Herpetic pain is caused by injury/damage to the nerve by the same virus that causes chicken pox in many patients. After your shingles heal, you may be left with ongoing burning pain or itching following the pattern of the shingles. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for a successful outcome.


  • Medications
  • Sympathetic Nerve Block

General Persistent Pain:

Injury to organs and to peripheral nerves can result in pain that lasts long after the injury is healed. Treatment is directed to the specific cause or diagnosis.


  • Nerve Blocks
  • Medications
  • TENS
  • Cryotherapy
  • Peripheral Radiofrequency Neuroplasty

To make an appointment at the Mt. Vernon office, please click here